Lust See also Adultery; Carnal; Chastity; Covet; Desire; Fornication; Lasciviousness; TG Lust; Sexual Immorality Laban lusted after property brought by sons of Lehi1, 1 Ne. 3:25. those who seek lusts of flesh should fear and tremble, 1 Ne. 22:23. go no more after lusts of your eyes, Alma 39:9. whoso looketh on woman to lust hath committed adultery in heart, 3 Ne. 12:28 (Matt. 5:28). ask not, that ye may consume it on your lusts, Morm. 9:28. he who looks upon woman to lust denies faith, D&C 42:23 (63:16). signs not given to gratify lusts, D&C 46:9. cease from all lustful desires, D&C 88:121. lusts and covetous desires among Saints, D&C 101:6.