husband to support wife in Church, D&C 25:9.
wife’s soul to delight in husband, D&C 25:14.
thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, D&C 42:22.
those who put away companions because of fornication should not be cast out, D&C 42:74.
those who leave companions to commit adultery should be cast out, D&C 42:75.
whoso forbids to marry is not ordained of God, D&C 49:15.
marriage is ordained of God, D&C 49:15.
man to have one wife, D&C 49:16.
twain shall be one flesh, D&C 49:16.
poor, lame, blind, and deaf shall come into marriage of the Lamb, D&C 58:11.
unbelieving husband is sanctified by wife, D&C 74:1.
every man to provide for own family, D&C 75:28.
women have claim on husbands for maintenance, D&C 83:2.
set house in order, D&C 90:18 (93:43).
new and everlasting covenant of marriage required for highest degree of celestial kingdom, D&C 131:2–4.
revelation concerning covenant of marriage, D&C 132.
if man and woman marry in world, it is of no force when they are out of world, D&C 132:15.
those out of world neither marry nor are given in marriage, D&C 132:16.
marriage by new and everlasting covenant leads to exaltation, D&C 132:19–20.
order of plural marriage not adultery, D&C 132:61–62.
announcement that plural marriage has been discontinued, OD 1.
Saints to refrain from entering marriage forbidden by law of land, OD 1.