Marvelous See also Marvel; Wonder the Lord to bring forth great and marvelous work among men, 1 Ne. 14:7 (22:8; 2 Ne. 25:17; 27:26; 29:1; 3 Ne. 21:9; 28:31–32; Isa. 29:14). light of God’s glory, which is marvelous light of his goodness, enlightens Lamoni’s mind, Alma 19:6. Jesus’ disciples do great and marvelous works, 4 Ne. 1:5. when Israel rends veil of unbelief, great and marvelous things shall come forth, Ether 4:15. Ether prophesies great and marvelous things, Ether 12:5 (13:13). marvelous work is about to come forth, D&C 4:1 (6:1; 11:1; 12:1; 14:1). he who inquires shall know great and marvelous mysteries, D&C 6:11. the Lord will bring to light marvelous works of other sheep, D&C 10:60–61. by servant’s hands the Lord will work marvelous work, D&C 18:44. great and marvelous are works of the Lord, D&C 76:2, 114 (121:12).