wo unto rich, for they persecute meek, 2 Ne. 9:30 (28:13).
the Lord will reprove with equity for meek, 2 Ne. 21:4 (30:9; Isa. 11:4).
meek also shall increase, 2 Ne. 27:30.
natural man is enemy to God, unless he becomes meek, Mosiah 3:19.
be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming meek, Alma 13:28.
Nephites turn backs upon poor and meek, Hel. 6:39.
blessed are meek, for they shall inherit earth, 3 Ne. 12:5 (Matt. 5:5; Ps. 37:11).
my grace is sufficient for meek, Ether 12:26.
ye have faith in Christ because of your meekness, Moro. 7:39.
none is acceptable before God, save meek, Moro. 7:44.
remission of sins brings meekness, Moro. 8:26.