Messenger See also Angel; Jesus Christ; Message; Servant; TG Jesus Christ, Messenger of the Covenant behold, I will send my messenger, 3 Ne. 24:1 (Mal. 3:1). everlasting gospel sent to be messenger to prepare way, D&C 45:9. in beginning was the Word, messenger of salvation, D&C 93:8. send swift messengers, chosen messengers, to call Saints from afar, D&C 124:25–26. test to determine whether messenger comes from God, D&C 129:4–8. the Lord appoints messengers from among righteous spirits, D&C 138:30–31. heavenly messenger gives instructions to Joseph Smith, JS—H 1:53–54. heavenly messenger confers priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, JS—H 1:68–69.