the Lord makes Israelites mighty unto driving out children of land, 1 Ne. 17:32.
God will raise up mighty nation among Gentiles, 1 Ne. 22:7.
one mighty shall rise up to do much good in restoring Israel, 2 Ne. 3:24.
captives of mighty shall be taken away, 2 Ne. 6:17 (Isa. 49:25).
mighty shall be humbled, 2 Ne. 15:15 (Isa. 5:15).
rely wholly upon merits of him who is mighty to save, 2 Ne. 31:19.
the Lord has wrought mighty change in Benjamin’s people, Mosiah 5:2.
have ye experienced this mighty change, Alma 5:14.
cry unto God for mercy, for he is mighty to save, Alma 34:18.
the Lord will make Nephi2 mighty in word and deed, Hel. 10:5.
Christ and Apostles did many mighty miracles, Morm. 9:18.
valley of Nimrod named after mighty hunter, Ether 2:1.