Minister [verb], Ministration See also Administration; Angels, Ministering of; Ministry; Serve Nephi3 ministered with power and great authority, 3 Ne. 7:17. Christ ministers unto Nephites, 3 Ne. 10:19. Christ chooses twelve disciples to minister unto Nephites, 3 Ne. 13:25. disciples minister one to another, 3 Ne. 26:19. Three Nephites shall administer unto scattered tribes of Israel, 3 Ne. 28:29. elders and priests minister bread, Moro. 4:1. telestial receive the Holy Spirit through ministration of the terrestrial, D&C 76:86. terrestrial receive the Holy Spirit through ministration of celestial, D&C 76:87. dead hear word through ministration of the Lord’s servants, D&C 138:37. the Lord to make Abraham minister to bear his name, Abr. 2:6.