Nephi1 is caught away in the Spirit into high mountain, 1 Ne. 11:1.
Nephi1 beholds mountains tumbling into pieces, 1 Ne. 12:4.
how beautiful upon mountains are feet of them that publish peace and tidings of great joy, 1 Ne. 13:37 (Mosiah 12:21; 15:15–18; 3 Ne. 20:40; Isa. 52:7).
Nephi1 goes into top of mountain to hunt, 1 Ne. 16:30.
Nephi1 is commanded to get into mountain to speak with the Lord, 1 Ne. 17:7.
Nephi1 goes into mount oft to pray, 1 Ne. 18:3.
mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in top of mountains, 2 Ne. 12:2–3 (Isa. 2:2–3).
they shall not hurt nor destroy in all the Lord’s holy mountain, 2 Ne. 21:9 (30:15; Isa. 11:9).
upon my mountains shall I tread Assyrian under foot, 2 Ne. 24:25 (Isa. 14:25).
mountains shall cover those who kill prophets, 2 Ne. 26:5.
we can command in Jesus’ name and mountains obey, Jacob 4:6 (Morm. 8:24; Ether 12:30).
we would be glad if we could command mountains to fall upon us to hide us from the Lord’s presence, Alma 12:14.
at the Lord’s voice mountains tremble, Hel. 12:9.
if the Lord commands mountain to fall on city, it is done, Hel. 12:17.
mountains to be made low and valleys to become mountains at Christ’s death, Hel. 14:23.
in place of Moronihah there became great mountain, 3 Ne. 8:10.
mountains shall depart and hills be removed, 3 Ne. 22:10 (Isa. 54:10).
brother of Jared2 speaks with the Lord upon mount, Ether 3:1–4:1.
brother of Jared2 tells mountain to remove, Ether 12:30.