Neighbor See also Brother; Charity; Love many shall say, dig pit for thy neighbor, 2 Ne. 28:8. he who borrows from neighbor should return what he borrows, Mosiah 4:28. doth man take an ass that belongs to his neighbor and keep it, Mosiah 5:14. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, Mosiah 13:23 (Ex. 20:16). thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbor’s, Mosiah 13:24 (Ex. 20:17). every man should love his neighbor as himself, Mosiah 23:15 (3 Ne. 12:43; Matt. 22:39). he who forgives not his neighbor’s trespasses brings himself under condemnation, Mosiah 26:31. every man should esteem his neighbor as himself, Mosiah 27:4. thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife nor seek thy neighbor’s life, D&C 19:25. let preaching be warning voice, every man to his neighbor, D&C 38:41. not speak evil of thy neighbor, D&C 42:27. every man who will not take sword against his neighbor must flee to Zion, D&C 45:68. every man to seek interest of his neighbor, D&C 82:19. every man who has been warned should warn his neighbor, D&C 88:81. restore that which is borrowed from neighbor, D&C 136:25.