New See also Covenant; Jerusalem, New; New Testament; New York; Renew if man who can speak with new tongue, tongue of angels, denies the Lord, it would have been better not to have known him, 2 Ne. 31:14. those born of the Spirit become new creatures, Mosiah 27:26. new star to appear at Christ’s birth, Hel. 14:5 (3 Ne. 1:21). all things have become new, 3 Ne. 12:47 (15:2; 2 Cor. 5:17). they who believe shall speak with new tongues, Morm. 9:24 (Mark 16:17). there shall be new heaven and new earth, Ether 13:9. new heaven and earth after Millennium, D&C 29:23. all things shall become new, D&C 29:24 (63:49; 101:25). new name, D&C 130:11.