Number See also Count; Innumerable numbers of Church of the Lamb are few, 1 Ne. 14:12. the Lord numbers his sheep, 1 Ne. 22:25 (3 Ne. 18:31). the Messiah was numbered with transgressors, Mosiah 14:12 (Isa. 53:12). names of wicked shall not be numbered among names of righteous, Alma 5:57 (6:3; 3 Ne. 18:31; Moro. 6:7). other sheep to whom Christ will go shall be numbered among his sheep, 3 Ne. 16:3. like sands on seashore, Abraham’s seed could not be numbered, D&C 132:30. the Lord has created worlds without number, Moses 1:33. all things are numbered unto the Lord, Moses 1:35, 37. heavens cannot be numbered unto man, Moses 1:37. if man could number particles of earth, it would not be beginning of number of the Lord’s creations, Moses 7:30. number of Abraham’s seeds shall be as number of sands, Abr. 3:14.