if brother or sister offend, reconcile privately, D&C 42:88.
if person who offends confess not, deliver matter to Church, D&C 42:89 (64:12).
those who offend many should be chastened before many, D&C 42:90.
those who offend openly should be rebuked openly, D&C 42:91.
those who offend in secret shall be rebuked in secret, D&C 42:92.
man offends God by not confessing his hand in all things, D&C 59:21.
elders should avoid offending lawgiver, D&C 64:13.
those who offended the Lord’s little ones shall be cut off from ordinances of his house, D&C 121:19.
men should bring offenders against good laws to punishment, D&C 134:8.