Oppression, Oppress See also Adversity; Affliction; Injustice; Malice; Oppressor; Persecution; Suffering; Trial; Tribulation I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh, 1 Ne. 21:26 (Isa. 49:26). people shall be oppressed, every one by another, 2 Ne. 13:5 (Isa. 3:5). he looked for judgment, and behold, oppression, 2 Ne. 15:7 (Isa. 5:7). he himself should be oppressed and afflicted, Mosiah 13:35 (14:7; Isa. 53:7). people of Alma1 have been oppressed by King Noah3, Mosiah 23:12. great slaughter among Nephites caused by their oppression to poor, Hel. 4:11–12. thou shalt be far from oppression, 3 Ne. 22:14 (Isa. 54:14). I will be swift witness against those that oppress hireling in his wages, 3 Ne. 24:5 (Mal. 3:5). Saints have been greatly oppressed by wicked men, D&C 109:48. scattered remnants of Israel to be redeemed from oppression, D&C 109:67. how long shall the Lord’s people suffer unlawful oppressions, D&C 121:3. Saints to gather names of those who have had hand in their oppressions, D&C 123:3. consolation of those who have been hindered by oppression, D&C 124:53.