men have strayed from the Lord’s ordinances, D&C 1:15.
the Lord accepts those who obey his ordinances, D&C 52:15–16.
Joseph Smith given keys of mysteries if he obeys ordinances, D&C 64:5.
John’s little book was mission and ordinance to gather Israel, D&C 77:14 (Rev. 10:2, 9–10).
in ordinances of Melchizedek Priesthood is power of godliness manifest, D&C 84:20–21.
ordinance of washing of feet instituted to receive men into School of Prophets, D&C 88:139–40.
Aaronic Priesthood to administer outward ordinances, D&C 107:14, 20.
persecutors of Saints to be severed from ordinances of the Lord’s house, D&C 121:19.
build house wherein ordinance of baptizing for dead belongs, D&C 124:33.
the Lord will reveal ordinances in his house, D&C 124:38–40.
nature of ordinance of baptism for dead consists in binding power of priesthood, D&C 128:8.
Saints to covenant that they will walk in all the Lord’s ordinances, D&C 136:4.
great latter-day work to include temple ordinances, D&C 138:54.
repentant dead redeemed through obedience to temple ordinances, D&C 138:58.