Nephi1 born of goodly parents, 1 Ne. 1:1.
Adam and Eve, our first parents, 1 Ne. 5:11.
Lehi1 exhorts elder sons with all feeling of tender parent, 1 Ne. 8:37.
hear words of trembling parent, 2 Ne. 1:14.
Lehi1 takes cursing from grandchildren, to be answered upon heads of parents, 2 Ne. 4:6.
Nephites labor, that children may learn with joy concerning first parents, Jacob 4:3.
first parents of Coriantumr2 came out from tower, Omni 1:22.
child is not guilty because of parents, Alma 30:25.
Helaman3 reminds sons of names of first parents who came out of Jerusalem, Hel. 5:5–6.
teach parents that they must repent, be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, Moro. 8:10.