Lehi1 partakes of fruit of tree of life, 1 Ne. 8:11–12.
Sariah, Sam, and Nephi1 partake of fruit, 1 Ne. 8:15–16.
Laman1 and Lemuel do not partake of fruit, 1 Ne. 8:17–18.
those who cling to iron rod partake of fruit, 1 Ne. 8:24.
devil tempts Eve to partake of forbidden fruit, 2 Ne. 2:18 (Hel. 6:26).
the Lord commands none that they shall not partake of salvation, 2 Ne. 26:24.
come unto Christ and partake of goodness of God, Jacob 1:7.
come unto Christ and partake of his salvation, Omni 1:26.
come unto the Lord and you shall partake of fruit of tree of life, Alma 5:34.
those who are baptized may be partakers of fruit of tree of life, Alma 5:62.
if Adam had partaken of tree of life, there would have been no death, Alma 12:23, 26 (42:5).
whosoever will may come and partake of waters of life, Alma 42:27.
ye shall not suffer any one knowingly to partake of sacrament unworthily, 3 Ne. 18:28 (Morm. 9:29).
Nephites are all made free, and partakers of heavenly gift, 4 Ne. 1:3.
Christ has prepared way by which others may be partakers of heavenly gift, Ether 12:8.
bread is blessed to souls of those who partake, Moro. 4:3.
Saints meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, Moro. 6:6.
all children are alike and partakers of salvation, Moro. 8:17.