how beautiful upon mountains are feet of him who publishes peace, 1 Ne. 13:37 (Mosiah 12:21; 15:15–18; 3 Ne. 20:40; Isa. 52:7).
the Lord will convince men unto peace or deliver them to hardness of heart, 1 Ne. 14:7.
if thou hadst hearkened unto my commandment, then had thy peace been as river, 1 Ne. 20:18 (Isa. 48:18).
there is no peace unto wicked, 1 Ne. 20:22 (Isa. 48:22).
writings of Nephites and Jews shall grow together unto establishing peace, 2 Ne. 3:12.
why should I yield to temptation, that evil one have place in my heart to destroy my peace, 2 Ne. 4:27.
the Messiah shall be called, The Prince of Peace, 2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6).
of increase of government and peace there is no end, 2 Ne. 19:7 (Isa. 9:7).
the Son shall appear, and Nephites shall have peace until three generations have passed, 2 Ne. 26:9 (4 Ne. 1:4).
peace restored again among Nephites, Jacob 7:23 (W of M 1:18; Alma 3:24).
Benjamin’s people receive remission of sins and have peace of conscience, Mosiah 4:3.
Limhi establishes peace among his people, Mosiah 19:27.
sons of Mosiah2 publish peace, Mosiah 27:37.
Mosiah2 has labored to establish peace throughout land, Mosiah 29:14, 40.
may peace of God rest upon you, Alma 7:27.
Melchizedek established peace, was called prince of peace, Alma 13:18.
converted Lamanites bury weapons of war for peace, Alma 24:19.
after three days and nights of anguish Alma2 cried unto the Lord and found peace, Alma 38:8.
spirits of righteous are received into paradise, a state of peace, Alma 40:12.
Nephites will slay Lamanites unless they depart with covenant of peace, Alma 44:14.
the Lord speaks peace to our souls, Alma 58:11.
peace be unto you because of your faith, Hel. 5:47.
covenant of peace shall not be removed, 3 Ne. 22:10.
peace in land following Christ’s visit, 4 Ne. 1:4.