see ye indeed, but they perceived not, 2 Ne. 16:9 (Isa. 6:9).
I perceive that ye ponder still, 2 Ne. 32:8.
Jacob2 perceived by workings of the Spirit, Jacob 4:15.
I perceive that my message cuts you to your hearts, Mosiah 13:7.
I perceive that commandments are not written in your hearts, Mosiah 13:11.
I perceive that ye are in paths of righteousness, Alma 7:19.
Amulek perceived lawyers’ thoughts, Alma 10:17.
Ammon2, filled with the Spirit, perceived king’s thoughts, Alma 18:16.
I perceive that thy mind is worried, Alma 40:1 (41:1; 42:1).
Moroni1 perceived intent of his men to shrink from Lamanites, Alma 43:48.
Jesus perceived that some wonder concerning law of Moses, 3 Ne. 15:2.
I perceive that ye are weak, that ye cannot understand all my words, 3 Ne. 17:2.
I perceive that thou art sober child, Morm. 1:2.