better that one man should perish than nation dwindle in unbelief, 1 Ne. 4:13.
brass plates should never perish, 1 Ne. 5:19.
how is it ye will perish because of hardness of heart, 1 Ne. 15:10.
because of simpleness of means of healing, many perished, 1 Ne. 17:41 (Alma 33:20).
righteous shall not perish, 1 Ne. 22:19.
if people of Lehi1 had stayed in Jerusalem, they would have perished, 2 Ne. 1:4.
many Jews shall be afflicted in flesh and not suffered to perish because of prayers of righteous, 2 Ne. 6:11.
treasure of rich shall perish with them, 2 Ne. 9:30.
feast upon that which perishes not, 2 Ne. 9:51.
they who fight against Zion shall perish, 2 Ne. 10:13.
Joseph1 received promise that his seed should never perish, 2 Ne. 25:21.
if men have charity, they would not suffer laborer in Zion to perish, 2 Ne. 26:30.
if laborers in Zion labor for money, they shall perish, 2 Ne. 26:31.
wisdom of wise and learned shall perish, 2 Ne. 27:26 (Isa. 29:14).
when men are fully ripe in iniquity, they shall perish, 2 Ne. 28:16.
except ye keep commandments of God, ye shall perish, 2 Ne. 30:1.
master to nourish tree that it perish not, Jacob 5:4.
master will preserve roots, that they perish not, Jacob 5:11.
infant perishes not who dies in infancy, Mosiah 3:18.
wo unto him who withholds his substance, for it shall perish with him, Mosiah 4:22–23.
O man, remember and perish not, Mosiah 4:30.
except for Atonement, men must unavoidably perish, Mosiah 13:28 (Alma 34:9).
sons of Mosiah2 cannot bear that any soul should perish, Mosiah 28:3.
according to oath not to take up arms, Ammonites would have perished, Alma 53:11.
except Nephites cleave unto the Lord, they must unavoidably perish, Hel. 4:25.
whosoever perishes, perishes unto himself, Hel. 14:30.
without air in vessels, Jaredites would perish, Ether 2:19.
they who pervert ways of the Lord shall perish, Moro. 8:16.