gospel to be made known to other nations that possess land, D&C 10:49.
one man should not possess that which is above another, D&C 49:20.
he who is ordained and sent forth is possessor of all things, D&C 50:27.
no man is possessor of all things unless he is purified, D&C 50:28.
rising generations that grow up on land of Zion shall possess it, D&C 69:8.
bodies who are of celestial kingdom may possess earth forever, D&C 88:20 (103:7).
in patience ye may possess your own souls, D&C 101:38.
wheat may be secured to possess eternal life, D&C 101:65.
ye shall possess the goodly land, D&C 103:20.
Peter, James, and John possess keys of kingdom, D&C 128:20.