Nephi1 prays oft unto the Lord, 1 Ne. 18:3.
Nephi1 has waxed bold in mighty prayer unto God, 2 Ne. 4:24.
prayers of faithful shall be heard, 2 Ne. 26:15.
if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teaches man to pray, ye would know ye must pray, 2 Ne. 32:8.
evil spirit teaches man that he must not pray, 2 Ne. 32:8.
pray always, 2 Ne. 32:9.
Nephi1 prays that many may be saved in God’s kingdom, 2 Ne. 33:12.
the Father has answered prayer of Jacob2, Jacob 7:22.
Enos2 cries unto his Maker in mighty prayer, Enos 1:4.
continue in fasting and praying, Omni 1:26.
Alma1 has prayed much concerning Alma2, Mosiah 27:14.
Alma1 has priests pray that the Lord will open mouth of Alma2, Mosiah 27:22–23.
Alma2 has fasted and prayed many days to know these things, Alma 5:46.
Alma2 wrestles with God in mighty prayer that he might pour out his Spirit, Alma 8:10.
people of Ammonihah are spared because of prayers of righteous, Alma 10:22–23.
sons of Mosiah2 teach with power because they have given themselves to much fasting and prayer, Alma 17:3.
to know mysteries of God, men must pray without ceasing, Alma 26:22.
following tremendous slaughter is time of much fasting and prayer, Alma 28:6.
every Zoramite2 offers selfsame prayer, Alma 31:15–22.
continue in prayer unto God, Alma 34:19.
when ye do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be drawn out in prayer unto him continually, Alma 34:27.
Zoramites2 pray to be heard of men, Alma 38:13.
Nephites fast and pray much to give God thanks, Alma 45:1.
Nephites pray unto the Lord continually, Alma 62:51.
members of Church fast and pray oft, Hel. 3:35.
pray for them that despitefully use you, 3 Ne. 12:44 (Matt. 5:44).
when thou pray, do not as hypocrites, 3 Ne. 13:5 (Matt. 6:5).
after this manner therefore pray ye, 3 Ne. 13:9 (Matt. 6:9).
Jesus prayed unto the Father, 3 Ne. 17:15.
watch and pray always, 3 Ne. 18:15.
as Jesus has prayed among them, so should Saints pray in Church, 3 Ne. 18:16.
pray in your families, 3 Ne. 18:21.
twelve disciples cause multitude to kneel and pray to the Father, 3 Ne. 19:6.
disciples pray unto Jesus because he is with them, 3 Ne. 19:17–18, 22–30.
disciples pray without multiplying words, 3 Ne. 19:24.
Jesus commands multitude to cease to pray, but not to cease to pray in hearts, 3 Ne. 20:1.
disciples are united in mighty prayer and fasting when Jesus appears again, 3 Ne. 27:1.
those baptized are numbered among people of Church, to keep them watchful unto prayer, Moro. 6:4.
Church meets together oft to fast and pray, Moro. 6:5.
if man prays without real intent, it profits him nothing, Moro. 7:6, 9.
pray unto the Father with all energy of heart, Moro. 7:48.
perfect love endures by diligence unto prayer, Moro. 8:26.