in vision, Nephi1 sees tree precious above all, 1 Ne. 11:9 (15:36; Alma 32:42).
abominable church has all manner of precious clothing, 1 Ne. 13:7–8.
abominable church takes away many plain and precious parts of gospel, 1 Ne. 13:26–29, 32, 34.
Gentiles to stumble because plain and precious parts of gospel are taken away, 1 Ne. 13:34.
the Lord will make known plain and precious truths that have been taken away, 1 Ne. 13:34–35, 40.
when writings proceed from Jew, they are most precious, 1 Ne. 14:23.
brought into precious land of promise by goodness of God, 2 Ne. 1:10.
Nephites’ temple constructed after manner of Solomon’s, without so many precious things, 2 Ne. 5:16.
Jacob2 is commanded to write on plates those things he considers most precious, Jacob 1:2.
natural fruit is most precious above all other fruit, Jacob 5:61, 74.
Mary a precious and chosen vessel, Alma 7:10.
souls of Zoramites2 are precious, Alma 31:35.
is not a soul at this time as precious unto God as a soul at time of his coming, Alma 39:17.
Helaman3 desires that his sons have precious gift of eternal life, Hel. 5:8.
Nephites have deprived Lamanites’ daughters of that which is most precious, chastity and virtue, Moro. 9:9.