spacious building is pride of world, 1 Ne. 11:36 (12:18).
proud shall be as stubble, 1 Ne. 22:15 (3 Ne. 25:1; Mal. 4:1).
proud and lofty shall be brought low, 2 Ne. 12:12 (Isa. 2:12).
Gentiles are lifted up in pride of eyes, 2 Ne. 26:20.
because of pride latter-day churches are puffed up, 2 Ne. 28:12.
wise, learned, and rich who are puffed up in pride of hearts shall be thrust down to hell, 2 Ne. 28:15.
Nephites search much gold and silver, begin to be lifted up in pride, Jacob 1:16.
because some obtain more abundantly, they are lifted up in pride of heart, Jacob 2:13.
Nehor is lifted up in pride of heart, Alma 1:6.
unbelievers persecute Saints because they are not proud, Alma 1:20.
people of Church wax proud, Alma 4:6.
great inequality among people, some lifting themselves up with pride, Alma 4:12.
he who is not stripped of pride is not prepared to meet God, Alma 5:28.
see that ye are not lifted up unto pride, Alma 38:11.
pride enters hearts of those who profess to belong to Church, Hel. 3:33.
how quick to be lifted up in pride are children of men, Hel. 12:5.
people would receive man who said, Walk after pride of your own hearts, Hel. 13:27.
some of people are lifted up unto pride and boastings, 3 Ne. 6:10 (4 Ne. 1:24).
churches shall be lifted up in pride of hearts, Morm. 8:28.
only few do not lift themselves up in pride of hearts, Morm. 8:36.
pride of Nephites has proven their destruction, Moro. 8:27.