Martin Harris is commanded to impart freely of property to printing of Book of Mormon, D&C 19:26.
Martin Harris is commanded to impart property, all save for support of family, D&C 19:34.
consecrate of properties for support of poor, D&C 42:30.
bishop to administer consecrated property, D&C 42:32–35 (119:1).
think not of thy property, D&C 66:6.
all to have equal claims on properties to manage stewardships, D&C 82:17.
common property to be put in storehouse, D&C 82:18.
record to be kept of those who consecrate properties, D&C 85:1.
counsel concerning properties, D&C 104:1–13, 55–56, 85.
what is property unto me, saith the Lord, D&C 117:4.
properties of Kirtland to be turned over for debts, D&C 117:5.
surplus property should be given to bishop, D&C 119:1.
those who gather in Zion shall be tithed of their surplus properties, D&C 119:5.
governments must frame laws to protect right and control of property, D&C 134:2.