Quick, Quickly [=fast] See also Faster; Haste; Quicken; Rash; Slow; Swift children of Israel quick to do iniquity, Mosiah 13:29. ye must prepare quickly, for kingdom is at hand, Alma 5:28. the Son is quick to hear cries of his people, Alma 9:26. if ye could be healed by casting eyes, would ye not behold quickly, Alma 33:21. how quick men forget the Lord, Alma 46:8. how quick are men to be lifted up in pride, Hel. 12:5. Nephites quickly return from righteousness to wickedness, 3 Ne. 7:15. agree with thine adversary quickly, 3 Ne. 12:25 (Matt. 5:25). the Lord comes quickly, D&C 33:18 (34:12; 35:27; 39:24; 41:4; 49:28; 51:20; 54:10; 68:35; 88:126; 99:5; 112:34). day of the Lord comes quickly, D&C 87:8.