the Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob1, 1 Ne. 20:20 (Isa. 48:20).
the Lord has redeemed my soul from hell, 2 Ne. 1:15.
redemption comes in and through the Messiah, 2 Ne. 2:6.
the Messiah will redeem men from Fall, 2 Ne. 2:26.
is the Lord’s hand shortened that it cannot redeem, 2 Ne. 7:2 (Isa. 50:2).
the Lord redeemed Abraham, 2 Ne. 27:33.
will ye make a mock of great plan of redemption, Jacob 6:8.
Mormon2 prays his brethren will come again to knowledge of Redemption of Christ, W of M 1:8.
the Lord has redeemed Jerusalem, Mosiah 12:23 (15:30; 3 Ne. 16:19; 20:34).
prophets and those who believe them are raised to dwell with God who has redeemed them, Mosiah 15:22–23.
the Lord redeems none who rebel against him, Mosiah 15:25–26.
if Christ had not come, there could have been no redemption, Mosiah 16:6 (Alma 21:9).
Redemption of people brought to pass by power, sufferings, death of Christ, Mosiah 18:2.
those who never knew the Lord will know he is their Redeemer, but they would not be redeemed, Mosiah 26:26.
Alma2 is redeemed of the Lord, Mosiah 27:24, 29.
fathers did sing redeeming love, Alma 5:9.
the Messiah shall come to redeem his people from sins, Alma 5:21.
if ye have felt to sing song of redeeming love, can ye feel so now, Alma 5:26.
the Son comes to redeem those who will be baptized, Alma 9:27.
wicked remain as though there had been no redemption, Alma 11:41.
whosoever dies in his sins cannot be redeemed according to God’s justice, Alma 12:18.
without plan of redemption, there could have been no resurrection, Alma 12:25.
priests are ordained in manner that people might know in what manner to look forward to the Son for redemption, Alma 13:2.
holy calling was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption, Alma 13:3.
sons of Mosiah2 to bring Lamanites to knowledge of plan of redemption, Alma 17:16.
Ammon2 expounds plan of redemption to Lamanite king, Alma 18:39.
Lamanites are brought to sing redeeming love because of power of word, Alma 26:13.
I would declare unto every soul with voice of thunder plan of redemption, Alma 29:2.
only unto him who has faith unto repentance is brought about great plan of redemption, Alma 34:16.
according to justice, plan of redemption could be brought about only on conditions of repentance, Alma 42:13.
Christ comes to redeem world, Hel. 5:9.
the Lord shall not redeem his people in their sins, but from their sins, Hel. 5:9–10 (Alma 11:34–37).
Christ’s death and Resurrection redeem all men from temporal death, Hel. 14:16–17 (Morm. 9:13).
prophets testify of Redemption which Christ would make, 3 Ne. 6:20.
by Christ redemption comes, 3 Ne. 9:17.
Christ has come into world to bring redemption, 3 Ne. 9:21.
ye shall be redeemed without money, 3 Ne. 20:38 (Isa. 52:3).
Christ has brought to pass redemption of world, Morm. 7:7.
because of Jesus Christ came redemption of man, Morm. 9:12.
brother of Jared2 is redeemed from Fall, Ether 3:13.
men without faith are as though there had been no redemption, Moro. 7:38.
power of redemption comes on all who have no law, Moro. 8:22.