Refuse See also Deny; Reject butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse evil and choose good, 2 Ne. 17:15 (Isa. 7:15). sons of Mosiah2 refuse to be king, Mosiah 29:1–3 (Alma 17:6). people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi refused to take up arms, Alma 27:3. king-men refused to take up arms out of anger, Alma 51:13. sun shall refuse to give light, Hel. 14:20. Mormon2 refuses to be commander of Nephites, Morm. 3:11. Riplakish puts to death those who refused to labor, Ether 10:6. Coriantumr2 refused to be comforted, Ether 15:3. stars shall refuse their shining, D&C 34:9. sun shall refuse to give light, D&C 88:87. Abraham did not refuse to offer Isaac, D&C 132:36. Enoch2 refuses to be comforted, Moses 7:44. fathers refused to hearken to my voice, Abr. 1:5.