the Lord shall reign in Saints’ midst, D&C 1:36 (76:63; 84:119; 133:25).
Christ reigns with almighty power according to will of the Father, D&C 20:24.
abominations shall not reign, D&C 29:21.
powers of darkness cause silence to reign, D&C 38:12.
the Lord’s people shall reign with him on earth, D&C 43:29.
the Son to reign in heavens till he descends to earth, D&C 49:6.
be subject to powers that be until he reigns whose right it is to reign, D&C 58:22.
sons of perdition to reign with devil and his angels in eternity, D&C 76:44.
Christ shall sit on throne of his power to reign forever, D&C 76:108.
Satan reigns in hearts of nations, D&C 86:3.
behold, thy God reigneth, D&C 128:19.