Lamanites to scourge Nephites to stir them up in remembrance, 1 Ne. 2:24 (2 Ne. 5:25).
Rememberest thou the Father’s covenants with Israel, 1 Ne. 14:8.
Nephi1 exhorts brothers to remember to keep commandments, 1 Ne. 15:25.
men are slow to remember the Lord, 1 Ne. 17:45 (Mosiah 9:3; Alma 62:49; Hel. 12:5).
remember words of thy dying father, 2 Ne. 3:25.
remember awfulness in transgressing against God, 2 Ne. 9:39.
remember greatness of the Holy One, 2 Ne. 9:40.
prepare your souls that ye may not remember your awful guilt, 2 Ne. 9:46.
have Gentiles remembered Jews, 2 Ne. 29:5.
people desire to retain name of Nephi1 in remembrance, Jacob 1:11.
remember your own filthiness, Jacob 3:9.
remember to search records diligently, Mosiah 1:7.
people of Lehi1 smitten with afflictions to stir them up in remembrance of duty, Mosiah 1:17.
awake to remembrance of awful situation of transgressors, Mosiah 2:40.
remember, and perish not, Mosiah 4:30.
the Lord remembers every creature of his creating, Mosiah 27:30.
Alma2 preaches to stir up people in remembrance of duty, Alma 4:19.
have you sufficiently retained in remembrance captivity of fathers, Alma 5:6 (36:29).
souls brought before God filled with remorse, having remembrance of guilt, Alma 5:18.
Alma2 remembered all his sins, Alma 36:13.
except the Lord chastens his people, they will not remember him, Hel. 12:3.
O that we had remembered the Lord, Hel. 13:33.
Nephi2 prophesies concerning Christ’s coming, that people might remember that they had known signs beforehand, Hel. 16:5.
when Gentiles reject gospel, the Lord will remember Israel, 3 Ne. 16:10–11 (20:29).
partake of sacrament in remembrance of Christ’s flesh and blood, 3 Ne. 18:7, 11 (Moro. 4:3; 5:2; 6:6).
book of remembrance written for those who fear the Lord, 3 Ne. 24:16 (Mal. 3:16).
the Lord will remember prayers of righteous, Morm. 5:21.
he who says the Lord remembers not his covenant shall be hewn down, Morm. 8:21.
I exhort you to remember these things, Moro. 10:27.