natural branches of olive tree, or remnants of Israel, shall be grafted in, 1 Ne. 10:14 (15:12–13).
the Lord will visit remnant of Israel, seed of Lehi1, 1 Ne. 13:34.
remnant of Jacob shall return unto God, 2 Ne. 20:21 (Isa. 10:21).
Nephites’ seed is remnant of house of Israel, or Jacob, 2 Ne. 28:2 (Alma 46:23; 3 Ne. 20:16; Morm. 7:10).
Gentiles shall carry words of book to remnant of Nephites’ seed, 2 Ne. 30:3.
Nephites are remnant of seed of Joseph1, Alma 46:23 (3 Ne. 10:17; 15:12).
the Lord will again bring remnant of seed of Joseph1 to knowledge of the Lord, 3 Ne. 5:23.
the Lord will gather all remnant of seed of Jacob, 3 Ne. 5:24.
the Lord’s people who are remnant of Jacob shall be among Gentiles, 3 Ne. 21:12.
Gentiles can be numbered among this remnant of Jacob, to whom the Lord has given this land, 3 Ne. 21:22.
Gentiles called to repent, lest remnant of Jacob go among them as lion, Morm. 5:24.
the Lord brought remnant of seed of Joseph1 out of Jerusalem, Ether 13:7.
those who dwell in New Jerusalem are numbered among remnant of seed of Joseph1, Ether 13:10.