Remove See also Move the Lord will remove men far away, 2 Ne. 16:12 (Isa. 6:12). earth shall remove out of her place, 2 Ne. 23:13 (Isa. 13:13). men draw near the Lord with mouths, but have removed hearts far from him, 2 Ne. 27:25 (Isa. 29:13–14). God has prepared plants and roots to remove cause of disease, Alma 46:40. cloud of darkness to be removed by faith, Hel. 5:40–41. hills shall be removed, 3 Ne. 22:10 (Isa. 54:10). in the Lord’s name Saints could remove mountains, Morm. 8:24. brother of Jared2 said to mountain, Remove, and it was removed, Ether 12:30. Zion shall not be removed out of place, D&C 90:37. pray always lest wicked one remove you out of place, D&C 93:49.