the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon rod out of stem of Jesse, 2 Ne. 21:2 (Isa. 11:2).
rest of root of Jesse shall be glorious, 2 Ne. 21:10 (Isa. 11:10).
we persuade our people to come unto Christ, that they might enter into his rest, Jacob 1:7.
Enos2 soon goes to place of his rest, Enos 1:27.
may peace of God rest upon you, Alma 7:27.
the Lord’s blessing has rested upon Amulek and household, Alma 10:11.
only those who repent and harden not their hearts shall enter the Lord’s rest, Alma 12:34–37.
priests are ordained to teach men, that they might enter into God’s rest, Alma 13:6.
many are made pure and enter rest of the Lord, Alma 13:12.
humble yourselves, bring forth fruit meet for repentance, enter rest of the Lord, Alma 13:13.
look forward to the Son for remission of sins, that they may enter rest of the Lord, Alma 13:16.
have love of God always in your hearts, that ye may enter into his rest, Alma 13:29.
receive word with joy that they may enter rest of the Lord, Alma 16:17.
meek and lowly in heart shall find rest to their souls, Alma 37:34.
righteous will be received into paradise, state of rest and peace, where they rest from troubles, Alma 40:12.
righteous enter rest of the Lord, Alma 60:13.
only those who have washed garments in Christ’s blood enter into the Father’s rest, 3 Ne. 27:19.
disciples shall find rest with Christ in his kingdom, 3 Ne. 28:3.
obtain sufficient hope by which ye can enter into rest of the Lord, Moro. 7:3.
we have labor to perform, that we may conquer enemy and rest our souls in kingdom of God, Moro. 9:6.
may Christ’s mercy and long-suffering rest in your mind forever, Moro. 9:25.
Moroni2 soon goes to rest in paradise of God, Moro. 10:34.