Christ lays down life, takes it up again, to bring to pass Resurrection of dead, 2 Ne. 2:8 (Mosiah 13:35; 15:20; Alma 33:22; 40:3; Hel. 14:15).
Resurrection must come unto man by reason of Fall, 2 Ne. 9:6.
bodies and spirits of men shall be restored to one another by power of Resurrection of the Holy One, 2 Ne. 9:11–12 (Alma 40:21, 23; Moro. 10:34).
Resurrection will pass upon all men, 2 Ne. 9:22.
may God raise you from death by power of Resurrection, 2 Ne. 10:25.
be reconciled to God through Atonement of Christ, and ye may obtain resurrection according to power of Resurrection which is in Christ, Jacob 4:11.
power of Redemption and Resurrection, which is in Christ, will bring you to stand before God, Jacob 6:9.
God himself shall come down and bring to pass Resurrection, Mosiah 13:34–35.
the Son hath power over dead and bringeth to pass Resurrection, Mosiah 15:20.
those who died before Christ’s Resurrection will have part in First Resurrection, Mosiah 15:21–26 (Alma 40:15–18).
all prophets and those who believe in them shall come forth in First Resurrection, Mosiah 15:22.
those who rebel against God shall have no part in First Resurrection, Mosiah 15:26.
if Christ had not risen from dead, there could have been no resurrection, Mosiah 16:7.
grave has no victory, sting of death is swallowed in Christ, Mosiah 16:8 (Morm. 7:5).
those who would be numbered among First Resurrection must be baptized, Mosiah 18:9–10.
wicked remain as though there had been no redemption, except for loosing of bands of death, Alma 11:41.
all shall rise from dead, Alma 11:42 (12:8; 40:4–5, 9).
mortal body is raised to an immortal body, Alma 11:45.
man given time to prepare for endless state which is after resurrection, Alma 12:24.
Aaron3 opens to Lamanites scriptures concerning Resurrection, Alma 21:9.
the Son shall rise from dead to bring to pass Resurrection, Alma 33:22 (Hel. 14:20).
time appointed that all shall come from dead, Alma 40:4–10.
state of souls between death and Resurrection, Alma 40:6, 11–14.
state between death and Resurrection is not First Resurrection, Alma 40:15–17.
First Resurrection includes those who died before Christ’s Resurrection, Alma 40:16.
space between death and Resurrection, Alma 40:21.
soul shall be restored to body and body to soul, Alma 40:23.
at time of Christ’s Resurrection many Saints shall be resurrected, Hel. 14:25 (3 Ne. 23:9–13).
men will be judged of their works, if they be good, to resurrection of everlasting life, if evil, to resurrection of damnation, 3 Ne. 26:4–5.
death of Christ bringeth to pass Resurrection, Morm. 9:13.
ye shall have hope through Christ’s Atonement and Resurrection to be raised unto life eternal, Moro. 7:41.
I soon go to rest in paradise of God until my spirit and body shall again reunite, Moro. 10:34.