secret acts shall be revealed, D&C 1:3 (88:108).
arm of the Lord shall be revealed, D&C 1:14.
the Lord is willing to make these things known to all flesh, D&C 1:34.
the Lord will reveal priesthood by hand of Elijah, D&C 2:1.
although man may have many revelations, if he follows his own will, he must fall, D&C 3:4.
deny not spirit of revelation, D&C 11:25.
revelations come through power of the Holy Ghost, voice of God, ministering of angels, D&C 20:35 (75:1; 76:116–18; 104:36; 121:26).
all things shall be revealed, D&C 25:9 (101:32; 121:31).
only one appointed to receive revelations, D&C 28:2, 7 (43:2–7).
Joseph Smith given keys to revelations which are sealed, D&C 28:7 (35:18).
the Lord will reveal himself from heaven with power and glory, D&C 29:11.
give heed to that which is written and pretend to no other revelation, D&C 32:4.
he who asks shall receive revelation upon revelation, D&C 42:61.
those who obey gospel shall be crowned with revelations, D&C 59:4.
gospel sent that men might be partakers of glories to be revealed, D&C 66:2.
lineage ascertained by revelation, D&C 68:21.
brethren appointed stewards over revelations, D&C 70:3–7.
revelations not to be shown to Church or world yet, D&C 70:6.
elders to prepare way for revelations to come, D&C 71:4 (101:23).
revelations to be published, D&C 72:21.
proclaim truth according to revelations, D&C 75:4.
the Lord reveals mysteries to those who serve him, D&C 76:5–8.
the Lord reveals secrets of his will to righteous, D&C 76:10.
end of sons of perdition was not revealed, will not be revealed, D&C 76:46.
call upon my name for revelations, and I give them unto you, D&C 82:4.
Joseph Smith to receive revelations to unfold mysteries, D&C 90:14.
house consecrated for receiving revelations, D&C 94:3 (124:40–41).
when the Lord comes, he will reveal all things, D&C 101:32.
President of Church is appointed by revelation, D&C 102:9.
in case of difficulty regarding doctrine, President may obtain mind of the Lord by revelation, D&C 102:23.
Twelve to ordain ministers as designated by revelation, D&C 107:39.
revelation for foundation of Zion, D&C 124:39.
house to be built, that the Lord may reveal his ordinances, D&C 124:40–41.
power given by revelation, D&C 128:9.
Malachi had eye fixed on glories to be revealed, D&C 128:17.
things never before revealed are now revealed, D&C 128:18.
he who has sealing power is anointed by revelation through medium of the Lord’s anointed, D&C 132:7.
Abraham received all things by revelation, D&C 132:29.
revelation extending priesthood to all worthy male members, OD 2.