Right [adj.], Rightly See also Right [noun]; Right Hand; True abominable church takes away parts of gospel to pervert right ways of the Lord, 1 Ne. 13:27 (22:14). words of Nephi1 are sufficient to teach any man right way to believe in Christ, 2 Ne. 25:28. Sherem claims Jacob2 has led away many, that they pervert right way of God, Jacob 7:7. Sherem claims law of Moses is right way, Jacob 7:7. he to whom kingdom rightly belongs has refused it, Mosiah 29:6. whosoever shall smite thee on right cheek, turn to him other, 3 Ne. 12:39 (Matt. 5:39). those baptized are nourished by good word of God, to keep them in right way, Moro. 6:4. study it out in your mind, then ask the Lord if it be right, D&C 9:8. Shakers are not right before the Lord, D&C 49:2. set your house in order, for many things are not right in your house, D&C 93:43. not right that any man should be in bondage to another, D&C 101:79. priesthood rightly belongs to literal descendants of chosen seed, D&C 107:40. priesthood rightly belongs to root of Jesse, D&C 113:5–6.