Lehi1 admonishes Laman1 to be like river, continually running into fountain of righteousness, 1Â Ne. 2:9.
Saints are armed with righteousness, 1Â Ne. 14:14.
wicked are rejected from righteous, 1Â Ne. 15:36.
if ye were righteous, ye would not murmur, 1Â Ne. 16:3.
he who is righteous is favored of God, 1Â Ne. 17:35.
the Lord will visit house of Israel because of righteousness, 1Â Ne. 19:11.
God will not suffer that wicked shall destroy righteous, 1Â Ne. 22:16.
righteous need not fear, 1Â Ne. 22:17, 22.
because of righteousness of the Lord’s people, Satan has no power, 1 Ne. 22:26.
the Lord’s ways are righteousness forever, 2 Ne. 1:19.
put on armor of righteousness, 2Â Ne. 1:23.
Jacob2 is redeemed, because of righteousness of the Redeemer, 2Â Ne. 2:3.
if no sin, then no righteousness, if no righteousness, then no happiness, 2Â Ne. 2:13.
encircle me in robe of thy righteousness, 2Â Ne. 4:33.
righteous shall have perfect knowledge of their righteousness, being clothed with robe of righteousness, 2Â Ne. 9:14.
they who are righteous shall be righteous still, 2Â Ne. 9:16 (Morm. 9:14).
righteous, Saints of God, shall inherit kingdom of God, 2Â Ne. 9:18.
righteous fear not words of truth, 2Â Ne. 9:40.
my heart delights in righteousness, 2Â Ne. 9:49.
with righteousness shall the Lord judge poor, 2Â Ne. 21:4 (30:9; Isa. 11:4).
righteous who look forward unto Christ shall not perish, 2Â Ne. 26:8.
the Son of Righteousness shall appear unto righteous, 2Â Ne. 26:9.
the Lamb is baptized to fulfill all righteousness, 2 Ne. 31:5–6.
the Lord has led Nephites from Jerusalem to raise up righteous branch from fruit of loins of Joseph1, Jacob 2:25.
law of Moses is sanctified unto Nephites for righteousness, Jacob 4:5.
man who listeth to obey evil spirit becometh enemy to all righteousness, Mosiah 2:37.
Christ to be resurrected that righteous judgment might come upon men, Mosiah 3:10.
devil is enemy to all righteousness, Mosiah 4:14 (Alma 34:23).
priests nourish people with things pertaining to righteousness, Mosiah 23:18.
all mankind must be born of God, changed from carnal state to state of righteousness, Mosiah 27:25.
whoso hearkens to devil receives wages of death as to things pertaining to righteousness, Alma 5:42.
names of righteous shall be written in book of life, Alma 5:58.
people of Gideon are in paths of righteousness, Alma 7:19.
whosoever dies in sins shall die spiritual death, as to things pertaining to righteousness, Alma 12:16.
many are ordained high priests on account of righteousness, Alma 13:10.
the Lord works righteousness forever, Alma 26:8.
in hearts of righteous doth the Lord dwell, Alma 34:36.
righteous shall sit down in the Lord’s kingdom, Alma 34:36.
Christ is word of truth and righteousness, Alma 38:9.
spirits of those who are righteous are received into state of happiness, Alma 40:12, 14.
judge righteously and you shall have righteous judgment, Alma 41:14.
Alma2 blesses earth for righteous’ sake, Alma 45:15.
chief judge appointed with oath to judge righteously, Alma 50:39.
the Lord suffers righteous to be slain, that justice might come upon wicked, Alma 60:13.
Nephites spared because of prayers of righteous, Alma 62:40.
Lamanites’ righteousness exceeds that of Nephites, Hel. 6:1.
robbers condemn righteous because of their righteousness, Hel. 7:5.
were it not for righteous, the Lord would destroy Zarahemla, Hel. 13:13.
ye have sought happiness in doing iniquity, which is contrary to nature of God’s righteousness, Hel. 13:38.
signs given that righteous judgment may come upon nonbelievers, Hel. 14:29.
may the Lord preserve his people in righteousness, 3Â Ne. 4:29.
in righteousness shalt thou be established, 3Â Ne. 22:14 (Isa. 54:14).
sons of Levi to offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness, 3Â Ne. 24:3 (Mal. 3:3).
then shall ye return and discern between righteous and wicked, 3Â Ne. 24:18 (Mal. 3:18).
unto you that fear my name shall the Son of Righteousness arise, 3Â Ne. 25:2 (Mal. 4:2).
there were none who were righteous save disciples of Jesus, 4Â Ne. 1:46.
Mormon2 supposes the Lord will be merciful unto Nephites that they would again become righteous people, Morm. 2:12.
promised land preserved for righteous people, Ether 2:7.
writings to persuade people to come unto fountain of all righteousness, Ether 8:26.
if man prays without real intent, it is not counted unto him for righteousness, Moro. 7:6–7.
Christ came into world to call not righteous, but sinners to repentance, Moro. 8:8.
we have labor to perform to conquer enemy of all righteousness, Moro. 9:6.