Robe See also Apparel; Garment man in white robe stands before Lehi1, 1 Ne. 8:5. Nephi1 beholds one of Twelve Apostles, dressed in white robe, 1 Ne. 14:19–20. encircle me in robe of thy righteousness, 2 Ne. 4:33. righteous shall be clothed in robe of righteousness, 2 Ne. 9:14. Christ descends from heaven clothed in white robe, 3 Ne. 11:8. Twelve shall stand with the Lord, clothed with robes of righteousness, D&C 29:12. what father clothes one son in robes and another in rags, D&C 38:26. Saints to be clothed with robes of righteousness, D&C 109:76. Moroni2 wears loose robe of exquisite whiteness, JS—H 1:31–32.