Sacred See also Godliness; Holiness; Holy Nephi1 records sacred things on plates, 1 Ne. 19:5–6 (Jacob 1:4). plates are sacred, to be kept sacred, Alma 37:2, 14–16, 47 (50:38; 63:1; 3 Ne. 1:2; 4 Ne. 1:48; Morm. 6:6; Ether 15:11; Moro. 9:24). sacred support owed to wives and children, Alma 44:5. chief judge appointed with sacred ordinance to judge righteously, to grant sacred privilege to worship, Alma 50:39. Nephites make mock of that which is sacred, Hel. 4:12. false churches administer that which is sacred unto unworthy, 4 Ne. 1:27. Joseph Smith delivered up that which was sacred to wicked man, D&C 3:12. gift is sacred and comes from above, D&C 6:10. trifle not with sacred things, D&C 6:12. ancient records which have been hid up are sacred, D&C 8:11. cannot write that which is sacred unless it is given from the Lord, D&C 9:9. that which comes from above is sacred and must be spoken with care, D&C 63:64. governments must hold sacred freedom of conscience, D&C 134:5.