the Lord shall have power over his Saints, D&C 1:36.
Saints who have slept shall come forth, D&C 45:45 (133:56).
land blessed for Saints, D&C 61:17.
Saints also shall hardly escape wars to come, D&C 63:34.
Satan makes war with Saints, D&C 76:29.
gathering of Saints to stand upon Mount Zion, D&C 84:2.
cry and blood of Saints shall cease to come up to the Lord, D&C 87:7.
elders to prepare Saints for hour of judgment, D&C 88:84.
mother of abominations persecutes Saints, D&C 88:94.
Saints shall be filled with the Lord’s glory, D&C 88:107.
devil shall not have power over Saints, D&C 88:114.
Word of Wisdom adapted to capacity of weakest of all Saints who are or can be called Saints, D&C 89:3.
earth is given unto Saints, D&C 103:7.
the Lord to provide for Saints, D&C 104:15.
it becomes Saints to impart of substance, D&C 105:3.
he who exercises unrighteous dominion shall be left unto himself to persecute Saints, D&C 121:38.
duty of Saints as to persecutors, D&C 123.
offices and keys of priesthood given for perfecting of Saints, D&C 124:143.