Nephi1 has sought the Lord diligently, 1Â Ne. 2:19.
Lehi1 searched brass plates, 1Â Ne. 5:10.
if men have sought to do wickedly, they are found unclean, 1Â Ne. 10:21.
Nephi1 has not sought for power and authority, but for glory of God, 2Â Ne. 1:25.
fallen angel became devil, having sought evil, 2Â Ne. 2:17.
many Nephites have searched much to know things to come, 2Â Ne. 9:4.
I pray God that he view me with his all-searching eye, 2Â Ne. 9:44.
men will not search knowledge, 2Â Ne. 32:7.
search the prophets, Jacob 4:6 (3Â Ne. 23:5).
Jews sought for things they could not understand, Jacob 4:14.
Nephites searched the scriptures, Jacob 7:23.
Mormon2 searched among records and finds small plates, W of M 1:3.
search records diligently, Mosiah 1:7.
those who live without God will shrink beneath glance of his all-searching eye, Mosiah 27:31.
repentant people of Ammonihah search scriptures, Alma 14:1.
sons of Mosiah2 searched scriptures diligently to know word of God, Alma 17:2.
ye ought to search scriptures, Alma 33:2 (3Â Ne. 10:14; 23:1).
robbers search out secret plans of Gadianton, Hel. 11:26.
search prophecies of Isaiah1, Morm. 8:23.
daughter of Jared3 puts it into Akish’s heart to search out secret oaths, Ether 8:17.
as oft as men sought forgiveness, they were forgiven, Moro. 6:8.
search diligently in light of Christ to know good from evil, Moro. 7:19.