Sell, Sold Joseph1 was sold into Egypt, 1 Ne. 5:14 (Alma 10:3). for your iniquities you have sold yourselves, 2 Ne. 7:1 (Isa. 50:1). Nephites sell themselves for naught, 2 Ne. 26:10 (3 Ne. 20:38). let us keep commandments, or we be cast into prison or sold or slain, Alma 46:23. Nephites and Lamanites have free intercourse to buy and sell, Hel. 6:8. fourth generation will sell the Lord for silver and gold, 3 Ne. 27:32. Nephites sell themselves for that which will canker, Morm. 8:38. Jaredites buy and sell to get gain, Ether 10:22. daughters of sons of Noah1 have sold themselves, Moses 8:15.