Shut may gates of hell be shut continually before me, 2 Ne. 4:32. wilt thou not shut gates of righteousness before me, 2 Ne. 4:32. except for Resurrection, our spirits must have been shut out of God’s presence, 2 Ne. 9:9. shut their eyes lest they see and be converted, 2 Ne. 16:10 (Isa. 6:10). when thou has shut thy door, pray to the Father who is in secret, 3 Ne. 13:6 (Matt. 6:6). at the Lord’s command, heavens are opened and are shut, Ether 4:9. four angels have power to shut up heavens, D&C 77:8. Adam and Eve are shut out from God’s presence, Moses 5:4. Cain is shut out from the Lord’s presence, Moses 5:41. men have become carnal and are shut out from God’s presence, Moses 6:49. the Lord will shut up in prison those who perish in floods, Moses 7:38.