Sight See also Eye; See wo unto prudent in their own sight, 2 Ne. 15:21 (Isa. 5:21). rod out of stem of Jesse shall not judge after sight of his eyes, 2 Ne. 21:3 (Isa. 11:3). the Lord will cause blind to receive their sight, Mosiah 3:5. Nephi3 does many miracles in sight of people, 3 Ne. 7:20. Jesus’ disciples cause blind to receive sight, 4 Ne. 1:5. the Lord withholds nothing from sight of brother of Jared2, Ether 3:25 (12:20–21). God gave Joseph Smith sight and power to translate record, D&C 3:12. worth of souls is great in sight of God, D&C 18:10. blind to receive their sight, D&C 35:9 (84:69). the Lord makes trees grow that are pleasant to sight, Moses 3:9 (Abr. 5:9).