Silver See also Metal; Ore Lehi1 leaves silver and precious things behind, 1 Ne. 2:4. gold and silver in abominable church, 1 Ne. 13:7. gold and silver found in promised land, 1 Ne. 18:25. Nephi1 teaches people to work in silver, 2 Ne. 5:15. Nephites become rich in gold and silver, Jarom 1:8 (Alma 1:29; 4:6; Hel. 6:9). Jaredites have all manner of silver and precious things, Ether 9:17. the Lord shall sit as refiner and purifier of silver, D&C 128:24. Urim and Thummim two stones in silver bow, JS—H 1:35. Joseph Smith works in silver mine, JS—H 1:56.