Slaughter See also Battle; Carnage; Kill; Slay; War Nephi1 beholds great slaughters among his people, 1 Ne. 12:2. he is brought as lamb to slaughter, Mosiah 14:7 (Isa. 53:7). Nephites slay Amlicites with great slaughter, Alma 2:18. great slaughter among both Lamanites and Nephites, Alma 28:2–3. Lamanites slain with great slaughter, Alma 49:21 (62:38). Lamanites slay Nephites in center of land with great slaughter, Hel. 1:27. great and terrible slaughter in battle between Nephites and robbers, 3 Ne. 4:11. Nephites driven and slaughtered, Morm. 4:21. I am going like lamb to slaughter, D&C 135:4.