Jews had slain prophets of old, 1 Ne. 1:20.
the Spirit tells Nephi1 to slay Laban, 1 Ne. 4:12.
the Lord slays wicked to bring forth righteous purposes, 1 Ne. 4:13.
abominable church slays Saints, 1 Ne. 13:5.
they shall fall under slain, 2 Ne. 20:4 (Isa. 10:4).
with breath of his lips shall the Lord slay wicked, 2 Ne. 21:4 (30:9).
Limhi’s people have slain prophet Abinadi, Mosiah 7:26.
Lamoni’s servants believe Ammon2 cannot be slain, Alma 18:3.
man who lifts sword to slay Ammon2 falls dead, Alma 19:22–24.
Nephites do not desire to slay Lamanites, Alma 44:1.
the Lord suffers righteous to be slain that justice might come upon wicked, Alma 60:13.
army of Coriantumr3 slay all who oppose them, Hel. 1:20.
rebellious are slain and driven from land, Hel. 4:2.
will ye say sons of Zedekiah1 were not slain, Hel. 8:21.
Nephites claim they would not have slain prophets of old, Hel. 13:25.
many have been slain for testifying of Christ’s coming, 3 Ne. 10:15.
the Lord will cause house of Israel to be slain and cast out, 3 Ne. 16:9.
Heth1 slew father with sword, Ether 9:27.