Small, Smallest See also Light, Lightly; Little; Plates of Nephi, Small; Voice dominions of Saints are small because of wickedness of abominable church, 1 Ne. 14:12. by small means the Lord can bring about great things, 1 Ne. 16:29. small thing to weary men, but will ye weary God, 2 Ne. 17:13 (Isa. 7:13). Amulek man of no small reputation, Alma 10:4. Ammon2 cannot say smallest part which he feels, Alma 26:16. by small means the Lord brings about salvation of many, Alma 37:7. because miracles were worked by small means, people of Lehi1 forgot to exercise faith, Alma 37:41. out of small things proceeds that which is great, D&C 64:33. afflictions shall be but small moment, D&C 121:7 (122:4). much lieth in futurity, depending on small things, D&C 123:15. large ship is benefited by very small helm, D&C 123:16. I saw dead, small and great, D&C 128:6.