Smoke See also Cloud; Mist; Tobacco; Vapor the Lord will visit some of house of Israel by smoke, 1 Ne. 19:11. vapor of smoke must come upon earth, 1 Ne. 22:18. heavens shall vanish away like smoke, 2 Ne. 8:6 (Isa. 51:6). the Lord will create upon Zion’s assemblies cloud and smoke, 2 Ne. 14:5 (Isa. 4:5). there shall come from north smoke, 2 Ne. 24:31 (Isa. 14:31). smoke ascends forever from lake of fire and brimstone, Jacob 6:10 (Mosiah 3:27). righteous are not overpowered by vapor of smoke, 3 Ne. 10:13. deaths and destructions by smoke fulfill prophecies, 3 Ne. 10:14. there shall be heard of vapors of smoke in foreign lands, Morm. 8:29. the Lord will show wonders in heavens and earth, vapors of smoke, D&C 45:40–41.