Snare See also Ensnare; Guile; Pit; Trap they who lay snare for him who reproves shall be cut off, 2 Ne. 27:31–32. Alma1 was caught in snare, Mosiah 23:9. lawyers of Ammonihah lay snares to catch holy ones of God, Alma 10:17. Zeezrom’s plan was snare of adversary, Alma 12:6. Helaman2 warns of snare set by Lamanites, Alma 56:43. word of God divides asunder all snares of devil, Hel. 3:29. Jaredites lay snares to catch fowls, Ether 2:2. Satan causes men to catch themselves in own snare, D&C 10:26. warn brethren about waters, lest faith fail and they are caught in snares, D&C 61:18. adulterers and apostates must repent lest judgment come upon them as snare, D&C 63:15. pride brings snare, D&C 90:17.