Soften, Softening See also Hardheartedness the Lord visits Nephi1 and softened his heart, 1 Ne. 2:16. only power of God threatening destruction could soften hearts of Laman1 and Lemuel, 1 Ne. 18:20. the Lord will soften Gentiles’ hearts to be like father to Lamanites’ seed, 2 Ne. 10:18. the Lord softens Lamanites’ hearts for Limhi’s people, Mosiah 21:15. the Lord gives portion of his Spirit to soften hearts, Alma 24:8. many are softened because of afflictions and humble themselves, Alma 62:41. when the Lord softens hearts of enemies, his people harden their hearts, Hel. 12:2. the Lord will soften hearts of people, D&C 105:27.